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The Efficacy of Beauty Equipment IPL


After IPL irradiates the skin, it will produce biological stimulation and photopyrolysis principle.
Biological stimulation:
The photochemical effect of strong pulsed light on the skin afterwards causes chemical changes in the molecular structure inside the collagen fibers and elastic fibers of the dermis layer to restore the original elasticity.
In addition, the light and heat generated by it can enhance the function of blood vessels and improve circulation to achieve the therapeutic effect of eliminating wrinkles and reducing pores.
The principle of photopyrolysis:
Because the content of pigment groups in the diseased tissue is much more than the normal skin tissue.The temperature will rise after absorbing and receiving light that is also higher than the skin. Using their temperature difference, the diseased blood vessels are closed, and the pigment ruptures and decomposes without damaging normal tissues.
IPL can eliminate and relieve wrinkles of different degrees on the eyes and forehead effectively. IPL can improve skin texture, increase skin elasticity and smoothness.
IPL can remove freckles, age spots, acne, break down melanin and make skin fair.
Therefore, IPL is used in the medical and beauty industries to treat acne, elderly spots, pigmentation and improve skin.

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